The library provides:
- Inter-library Loan (SILO)
- Open Access
- Photocopy machine (Black & White)
- Public Computers
- Internet & Wireless Hot Spot
- Job Now/ Vet Now
- Color and B/W Printers
- Fax Machine
- Reference materials
- Preschool Story Hour
- Children’s Programming
- Movies: DVD's
- Large Print Materials
- Large Print Materials (Through The Traveling Library)
- Children's AWE Learning Stations
- HomeWork Now Website - Located under the children's tab on this website
- Locking Heritage Display Case for patrons to display their own private collection
- Library Cards:
All ages may apply for a library card. Children under the age of 14 must also have a parent or guardian sign the application.
- current name
- current address (confirmed with 2 recent pieces of mail)
- phone number
- photo ID (adults)
If you already have a library card, make sure it is up to date (not expired) and the account is free of fines and overdue materials. Once a fine has reached $3.00 or higher check outs may be limited until that fine has been paid.
Library Cards expire every 3 years.
Please read the following document before applying for your library card at the Circulation Desk:
*Computer Internet Policy
These are just a few of the services we provide to our patrons.